

This is an abstract painting but I could not help seeing raised hands and the heart surrendered in worship.

I was very aware of keeping the work abstract and resisted painting realistic ‘hands’, as tempting as it was, but the ‘hands’ are the essence (the abstracted or extracted element) of the painting.

Raising or lifting our hands high in worship seems so natural when our spirit is engaged in song, but do we think about it as a natural condition of our heart as we go about our everyday tasks?

When you think about the many meanings of raised hands … from surrendering in a confrontation to show you are unarmed, to signalling you have a question, or need help in deep waters, to a child asking to be picked up or on a sports field as a signal of ‘hey, I’m over here’ … these are all demonstrations of making ourselves vulnerable. It is showing the position of our heart amongst our community, and more importantly, as a child of God open to the Holy Spirit’s leading.

May my heart always be in the ‘open’ position!

Psalm 134:1-3: “Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by night in the house of the Lord! Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the Lord!”

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