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House of Miracles

Together we are His house of miracles. There is a drawing together into the glory as we each walk in our miracles.

The painting speaks of us all being His house of miracles and how together we become THE House of Miracles. There is a drawing together into the glory as we each walk in our miracles, and if any are outside the glory realm, we draw them into His presence by walking in a miracle lifestyle.

I’m going to tell the whole story leading to creating this painting for those of you who aspire to become prophetic artists. It’s helpful to know how different the process can be each time!

I committed to a season of painting at World Changers Church Gold Coast (Queensland, Australia) on the first Sunday of each month and didn’t think much more of it until Sunday morning. How many of you know that worship team members and ‘front-rowers’ are “always on”? Meaning you are continually and constantly in prayer and in tune with what the Holy Spirit is doing so you are always available for service at a moment’s notice and there’s no ‘praying up’ to become available.

Yup, “always on”. So there is no concern or anxiety as I head toward any scheduled worship painting time, and on Sunday I arrived ‘blank’. Literally a blank canvas with no quiet little prompting of what the Lord wants to say through the painting today. That ‘quiet little prompting’ would be the usual process. Half jesting, half as a way of connecting, I hugged a few people around the doorway saying, “I’ll have some of your anointing today”. As I set up I was aware, yup, it is a community endeavour! The Lord quicken in my heart that our life of worship is very much a ‘together’ thing and not individual.

I took a moment. ‘Lord, what do you have for me?’ but nothing came to mind. Usually that means just start painting. I asked the worship leader a question that I’d never asked before. “What is your first song?” It was ‘House of Miracles’

Instantly I thought of a bunch of tiny houses and thought that’s a weird painting. As I spoke it out to my husband I realised that instead of thinking of the church as the house of miracles, we are all individually a house of miracles. He said, “Don’t forget there are people outside that house”. I wrote ‘house of miracles’ on canvas.

Can you see how that message developed before I started painting? It was a collaboration – although super-quick and not planned at all. The Lord works in different ways, speaking through people, images, impressions, and song titles … bringing it all together as you paint.

As I stepped up, I felt there was a circle on the canvas and to reverse my usual beginning of light in the centre. Instead, I painted light around the edges. The composition and style for the rest of the painting happened spontaneously.

The houses represent us – we can be on the beginning (green – new life) of our journey of miracles, midway (blue – healing), or in the intensity of “on fire” (red – passion) and intimate with the Holy Spirit (orange) and walking in the glory of His grace for miracles. You’ll see some outside the vortex of the portal … these are people we are called to draw in.

Together we form a glorious House of Miracles, each doing our part by walking and talking a miracle lifestyle. We are Better Together.

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